Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Mason's B-day Celebration

Here is the big two year old is on his birthday. He immediately discovered his present.
Good thing he liked the balloons more then the presents cause he had to wait all day for daddy to come home before he could open them!
Who doesn't love B-day pancakes??
What, why is my belly still sticking out..I thought this was supposed to go away by TWO!
Oh well, guess I'll just spend this beautiful day playing in the pool with my sis.
Made cupcakes. He's very excited!
Surprise! Mason got a new train table / set. Think daddy was more excited about this one.
Look mom Airplane.

These pictures are backwards but I love Mason face trying to open his present. Then he was very happy about the outcome. Thomas Train!!

Finally we get to eat the yummy cupcakes we made.
That's about it. We also went to the zoo the next day with some friends of ours but I for got my camera. (Good thing, I have no more room on this post for more pictures!) We all had such a great time!
I really can't believe Mason is two. He is such a sweet boy, everyone says his smile is so contagious and I have to agree. I just love this kids so Much!!

1 comment:

DandS Fry said...

He's sooooo cute, we could sqeeeeeze him!!!!
Good job on the B'day cupcakes... so cute!
Love all the pics... can't wait to see you all again!
Hugs and kisses from Papa and Gramma xoxoxoxox